Writing – shortpoem.org https://shortpoem.org Mon, 13 Jan 2025 05:28:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.8.3 How to Create Reads That Attracts lead https://shortpoem.org/how-to-create-reads-that-attracts-lead/ Thu, 08 Nov 2018 09:22:06 +0000 https://shortpoem.org/?p=45 The written word is still undoubtedly one of the best ways to create brand awareness. Even with the world digitizing, written word continues to dominate and supplement other forms of content creation. That’s why it’s crucial for brands to know how to create reads that tap audience attention for increased traffic. To help you out, here are tips for writing on your site and getting readers.

1. Understanding your demography

Before creating content, it’s essential to research on what your reading demography like. In your search you will discover their itched questions, what’s googled most, the particular tone they are interest in and structure most are accustomed to. Based on these findings, you can draft a unique yet captivating read that addresses their concerns in a way that reach out to them most.

2. Be Keyword specific

The best way to attract readers to your site is by optimizing keywords in your content. This way, whenever, they query search engines like Google, your website can rank first. Keywords are terms that identify specifically to the search queries of your writing demography.

3. Content readability

With the number of mobile readers increasing by the day, it’s essential to create content that can be skimmed through easily. Avoid un-meaningful long paragraphs full of fluff and carrying more than two concepts. Instead, use short paragraphs that are brief and direct. Maximize of sub-topic use as it makes readability easier.

4. Incorporate infographics in your reads

Unless you are doing a white paper on a specific topic, it’s always best to add pictures and videos to your text. They break the monotony of writing and help with an illustration of what is being said. It’s also proven sites that make use of infographics in their content structure are more likely to attract readers than those that don’t. Make use of the four mention tips to increase readers on your site.

How to Write Informative and Interesting Articles https://shortpoem.org/how-to-write-informative-and-interesting-articles/ Sat, 20 Oct 2018 09:24:19 +0000 https://shortpoem.org/?p=47 Writing an article that both informs and engages can be tricky. Even if you’re writing about a topic you’re familiar with, it’s not always easy to come up with an angle that will capture the reader’s imagination. It can also be difficult explaining more complex concepts in a way that all your readers can understand. Too much jargon can rapidly overwhelm a reader, while overexplaining can feel condescending and tedious. Here are some great examples of article writing that conveys information in a catchy, accessible way.One technique is to find a compelling narrative to get your point across. People connect more easily to stories than they do to dry pages of information. An example here might be Laura Hillenbrand’s Four Good Legs Between Us, a fascinating article on the famous racehorse Seabiscuit. By describing Seabiscuit’s career alongside the life and experiences of the horse’s owner and trainer, the author also offers a fascinating glimpse into the history of horse-racing as a sport. Even though the piece was written in 1998, it remains popular and widely read to this day.To pick an entirely different sport, The Trading Desk, by Michael Lewis, is a gripping exploration of the Oakland A’s early-2000s winning streak, examining how the team managed to do so well despite having few big names and a very low payroll.Sometimes narrative explorations aren’t really necessary and what your readers really need is a simple but thorough breakdown of the facts. Best Bonus Casino Online has a great selection of articles for those looking to understand gaming a little better, such as their piece on casino bonus requirements. In sensible layman’s terms, the article breaks down what casino bonuses are and how wagering requirements operate.Whatever your topic, these tips and examples should help you deliver an excellent article. Happy writing!

How to Write Online Tutorials https://shortpoem.org/how-to-write-online-tutorials/ Tue, 05 Jun 2018 13:44:41 +0000 https://shortpoem.org/?p=38 Creating online tutorials is a great way to connect with potential clients and subscribers to your business or product in a new way. One of the main advantages of writing a tutorial is that you have the chance to show off your knowledge on a certain topic and impress other people that you know what you are talking about, you can then add links to your products and services at some point during the tutorial and people will be more likely to click on the link to see what else you have to offer. There are lots of things to consider when creating an online tutorial. The first aspect is to make sure that you have chosen a topic that you know a lot about and have a new insight into that other people are likely to find useful. Make sure that the information in your tutorial is very clear and easy to follow. A good way to do this is to have a friend who knows nothing about the topic you are explaining read through the tutorial and see if it makes sense to them. You should break down your information into short individual steps so that the information is not overwhelming to your readers. These steps can also be illustrated with photographs. These photographs will help to break up the text and will also help to present the information in another way. Remember that many people are visual and are likely to be able to understand the tutorial more easily if photographs are included. This will also be a boon for people who are reading the tutorial in a second language. The last thing to consider is to make sure that your tutorial is entertaining. Even if the topic that you are describing is rather dry, injecting a little humour will help your audience to connect with it better.

Writing a Successful Casino Blog https://shortpoem.org/writing-a-successful-casino-blog/ Fri, 09 Mar 2018 13:58:11 +0000 https://shortpoem.org/?p=32 Playing in online casinos is a staggeringly popular way for people to spend their time and money, and for each of the many casino sites that are hosted on the internet, there are many more sites dedicated to writing about them. Sadly, most of these sites have little value; so how can you keep your own casino blog useful and relevant? Here are a few ideas.

Stay up to Date

In addition to having a good overview of what is available at the casinos in question, a good casino blog needs to contain the very latest information. New games are added regularly, and there may be bonus codes and offers that change from week to week. If the casino site has a news section, use this like a press release to create your blog posts.

Be Honest

Too many casino blog posts and reviews are written like advertising copy. Users who are searching for honest opinions and content are often frustrated, as it’s difficult to know what to believe. Build trust with your readers by telling it like it is, and you’ll be rewarded with a loyal following.

Grade Your Language

Steady on, Shakespeare. This is a casino blog post, not a piece of literature. It can be tempting to use all the big words you know, but that can just come off as a bit pompous and obnoxious. Remember that this is written for a wide readership. You may not need to write for the so-called lowest common denominator, but don’t alienate or bore your readers with unnecessarily flowery language.

Add Some Humour

Not everyone has the gift of being funny, but we can all inject a bit of light-heartedness here and there. Try not to take yourself too seriously, and you’ll strike the right note.

Check Your Work

Even the best of us need a bit of help sometimes. If you want to write, but you think that your grammar and sentence structure might be a bit rusty, download some free software such as Grammarly to help you to correct your mistakes. Nothing turns readers off quite as quickly as reading a badly-written text.

Tips for Writing Short Stories https://shortpoem.org/tips-for-writing-short-stories/ Sat, 02 Sep 2017 13:59:33 +0000 https://shortpoem.org/?p=14 If you have trouble with starting, finishing or structuring your short stories, you might want to go through the following checklist.

Getting Ideas

If you are interested in writing short stories, having ideas for them is probably not the problem. But if it is, the only tip to get those ideas flowing is to look around and observe your surroundings when you’re out and about in the world, and preferably do inspiring things yourself. Exciting ideas come from exciting lives – be it your own or somebody else’s.

Flowing Text

Do you have a great idea and a complete story in your mind, but you don’t seem to be able to execute it in the way you would like? This is not something you can work out by taking a course, but there are some tips that might help. First, read a lot. You might find a writer whose style intrigues you and decide to write your story in a similar style. When this is decided, writing is bound to be easier. Secondly, if you’re having writer’s block and everything you write seems to be of low-quality, the only way to get something done is to keep writing. You can always go back and rewrite the whole text if you like, but at least you will have something concrete to work with.


If you are the type of writer that gets a great, but vague, idea and starts writing immediately, you will probably hit a wall at some point. This is why planning is essential. There are different ways to plan the text. You can make a timeline with the most important events on it, or if the story is more of the pondering kind, you might want to write down the most important ideas you have for it, in the order that you think you are going to include them in the writing.
